Somehow, through technical sorcery by the hands of Crytek’s super-nerds, Crysis 2 is not only possibly the most amazing-looking console game ever, but it even does so without creating a reality-sucking singularity inside your PS3 or 360. It looks even better on PC, but whether it will stutter like Colin Firth depends on your machine’s muscle. We’ve played all three versions of the game, but it’s hard to say how the average PC will handle it since we played on a mysteriously-specced mega-machine, but wow was it crisp and luscious. So Cryisis 2, any way you play it, looks stunning in 2D. But hold your nanosuit-clad horses, because Crytek’s “how the heck did they do that” CryEngine 3 also pulls off 3D so near-flawlessly we still can’t believe it works the way it does…
Crysis 2’s 3D tech is unbelievable (Crysis 2)
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