Sony Computer Entertainment Europe je danas potvrdio izdavanje oficijelnog Grand Theft Auto IV pakovanja ekskluzivno za PlayStation 3. Bundle će biti raspoloživ od 29. aprila a cena mu je 439 evra u Evropi.
Bundle uključuje PlayStation 3 model sa hard diskom od 40 GB, SIXAXIS kontroler kao i igru Grand Theft Auto IV.
GMC-YU je najavio da će GTA IV bundle biti raspoloživ u Srbiji od polovine maja po ceni od oko 520 evra.
ima na pijacu kod mene u gradu(mladenovcu)ne lazem sigurno
dadada ja imam GTA San Andreas Stories za PC….daj ne se paliti na neko sto kaze da ima gta iv za pc kad on nezna ni uopste kako izgleda na konzole…..
Ljudi jel skinuo ko GTA 4 za pc? Ko skine nek obavezno javi da li radi.
Jes’ da nema veze sa Ps3 bundle,ali treba mi pomoc!!
Kada ubacim mapu D-day u Warcraft III World Editor izadje mi poruka: ,,Not enough storage is avaliable to process this command”
Probao sam sa vise verzija D-day mapa i nishta!
Ako iko zna kako da resim ovaj problem neka se javi na ili neka odgovori ovde!!
Unapred hvala!!!
kILA aj ne seri!!! I ja sam kupio bio assasina dok jos nije izasao u prodaji i super je radio (do jerusalima pa sam morao da skidam patch na ruskom). Na pijacama ima svasta da se nace,,, Grrr sto nisi kupio?? Na buvljaku u pancevu ima svega pa moram da proverim i za ovo!!!!
NIsta ne kontam kako je mogla izaci piratska verzija GTA 4 prije nego sto je izasla verzija GTA 4 za bilo koju konzolu???
Dajte ljudi nema sansi da je GTA IV izasao za komp…
Ja sam jednom prilikom cuo od mog druga iz razreda kako je izasao GTA IV za komp, i kaze on meni ajmo do obliznje pirat radnje da kupimo , ja reko ajde… Kad ono GTA Stories ili tako nesto
Ne znam ni ja se nisam u to uverio samo kazem kako je bilo za assasina!!!
Slika broj 57.
Filip koliko meseci si kupio assassins creed pre izlaska originala?
Posto sumnjam da bi se igra mogla nabaviti 6-7 meseci pre originala…
Jedno mesec dana pre!!
filip Crepaja gleda se da si u glavi ko crep znas?……..
Posto ja razmatram da kupim GTA IV Bundle sredinom maja , kada je i najavljen izlazak , nije mi jasno to sto se svuda u evropi u paketu gta iv bundle igra dobija besplatno , a samo kod nas se placa… Posto je u GMC-YU cena ps3 (40gb) 37.999, a gta iv bundle 520 evra…
Ali crep zar nemislis da je malo puno to sto ”postoji” gta iv za pc 6 meseci pre najavljenog pustanja u prodaju…
I moj drug je tako jednom mislio da je gta4, nazvali su ga Gangsta, i ispecovali San Anreas…ajte molim vas……
Pa sto jes, jes zaista je mnogo 6 meseci ranije. a i ja ga nisam video na buvljaku.Moguce je to sto johnny kaze .A ti smaracu jedan killa stvarno me boli dupe sta se desava igracu sam pa cu videti a ne da mi tu neki glupi hrvat il bosanac prepricava…..
a u pravu si brate.neka si mu ga reka ;))))))
KILLA,zelim ti ugodno igranje,ali nemoj nas vise crnjacit kumim te bogom…
nemojte skidat ono sto je reka MLADEN EDGE,ja sam probao i skidao mi je po 120 kb\s do 7.3 %,od tad ga je skida po 0.5kb\s,sto znaci da ga nebi skinulo za 6 mjeseci…ali zna li se tacan izlazak gta IV za pc?
Tacan datum izlaska se nezna. Ja sam slao e-mail i Take2 i R* i oni su mi odgovorili da nemaju informacija da li ce i kada ce izaci PC verzija. Ali su takodje napisali da provjeravam njihove sajtove za novosti znaci ipak se nesto kuha u njihovoj kuhinji 😉
same nek se kuha!!!!
Ako zelite vise informacija o GTA IV posetite sajt
Details- 🙂
The first thing that I did when I received my Australian preorder of Grand Theft Auto IV on the 28th of April (Cheapgames Australia were shipping them early) was complete the stunning beginning and then take in the almost photo realistic, detailed environment which I still haven’t fully explored. I slowly walked around, my jaw dropping at how much this small part of this big area was alive. I mean, rubbish and leaves slowly swam through the air as the bright sun danced off windows and cars. City noises echoed through the vehicle filled streets and from above as trains raced overhead. Pedestrians waltzed around, reading newspapers, smoking, chatting on mobiles, beginning conversations with others, holding shopping bags, carrying a beer, holding food and drink which had been purchased from a nearby hot dog stand across the busy street. It’s absolutely beautiful how real everything is. A fully dressed man was cleaning a window, another fixing his car, one sweeping the footpath, two women leant against a telephone box as they spoke into the phones while an elderly couple jogged past. Cars, vans, motorbikes and trucks past by, each being trailed by music from the many radio stations being played within them. Then out of the blue a black car near Comrades bar hit the back bumper in a sparky wave. The owner of the back dented car got out and swore at the scratched taxi and its driver. The taxi man opened his door and after a loud, swear filled argument a punch was thrown, then another. Pedestrians saw the struggle all with their own emotions towards it and some joined in. Soon, a scruffy hobbo wearing a sign pulled out a pistol and down went an old women with a splatter of blood over the wall. I heard sirens nearing and a cop car swerved around the corner and crashed into a bin sending litter flying over everything and the windscreen shattered onto the driver. A fat cop emerged from the car and chased the hobbo as another cop arrested fighters on the street. Another police car arrived hitting a fire hydrant, water wet my screen but trickled off soon. When the affair was over, arrested people taken away in the cop cars, I walked another step and realised, that wasnt me. It was just another day in Liberty City. I glued my jaw shut and keeping one hand on the controller it became grey and gritty and soon it began to rain. Many got out umbrellas, others covered there heads with newspapers or suitcases or ran for the nearest shelter. I simply hailed a taxi and entered it as the song from trailer 3 was playing on the radio. I asked the taxi driver to drive to the waypoint near the depot to pick up Roman and take him to a strip club (I had arranged it earlier on the unique mobile system) and sat back watching the magnificent ride from within the taxi (it felt similar to the one in Call of Duty 4). The traffic was horrible, horns were being pushed, yells of anger and frustration shot down the road, lightning and thunder vibrated the Xbox 360 constroller, so I told my bearded driver to step on it. He skidded around the corner, I watched as pedestrians jumped out of the way (with a great euphoria engine) and how people in other vehicles reacted to the maniac driver. He collided with a letterbox, mail flew up and a nearby bystander yelled OH MY GOD, since we had run over a young street punk (blood was splattered over the front of the car). I could the describe more (this is probabely one thousandth of the amount of detail) but I just don’t have the time.
What great detail have you noticed or been fascinated by?
Da li je neko saznao da li postoji radnja gde mogu kupiti NBA 2K8 za PS3?
ma ps3 je najbolji
jel moze na mrezi da se igra gta bosna? jer nemam igricu u komp.
jel znate mozda koliko ce da kostaju expanzije za GTA 4 za ps3 ??? hvala unapred…:)
ko sna sifre za gta??
trazim sifre od bmw audi i sve auta ,bolicija da budem ,