Prvi trejler za igru Bioshock 2 je isplivao, a možete ga videti nakon što završite PlayStation 3 verziju igre koja se pojavila ovih dana u prodaji.
U ovom trejleru možete videti Little Sister koja stoji na obali Atlantic Coasta, drži Big Daddy igračku i gleda u pučinu okeana. Kako se kamera odaljava može se videti kako se tlo pod njom menja da bi se na kraju pojavio logo Bishock 2 sa potpisom Sea of Dreams. Uostalom, možete i sami pogledati trejler. Obratite pažnju na plavog leptira. Nama se jako svideo! Nismo valjda ovo stvarno napisali… ups!
hehehehee ovaj trailer podsjeca na diznijeve crtane sa pepeljugom snezanom i ostalom druzinom a jo i onaj leptir lol
jel zna neko cd key za stalker shadow of cernnobil
Po meni Bioshock 1 nije zasluzio da bude igra godine,jer je jako dosadan i glup tako da od ovog ne mogu nista vise ocekivati.Trebao je to biti Call of duty 4.Toliko
vala bioshock je jedna prosjecna FPS pucacina, neam blage sto je igra godine uopce =/
Jedva cekam da izadje…
Igra je glupost
Cujes li frajere???!!!! Sigurno niste ni presli igru pa vam je glupa ili ste vi glupi pa ne razumete sustinu igre. . . BIOSHOCK je super igra, i drugi deo ce biti extra!!!
Slazem se sa D.G. prvi deo je bio extra,a za drugi cemo da vidimo.To jest vi cete videti jel moja masina je jedva pokrenula prvi deo,tako da cu drugi videti samo u screenfun-u!!!!
Jedino su grafika i prica odlicni ostalo je glupo i dosadno,i sve se svodi na isto,samo ubijas Big dady-je.
Sta je D.G. ti razumes sustinu igre jer si glup.Call of Duty 4 je 100 puta bojli.
U potpunosti podrzavam D.G.-ja! Covek barem zna sta znaci rec IGRA, a vi sto tako hvalite COD4, pojma nemate o zivotu ! Nije Bioshock bez veze izabran za igru godine! COD4 je jedan velik SHIT, pre bih igrao Chicken Invaders, barem ne bih umro od dosade! D.G. car si!
Svako ima pravo na svoje misljenje pa cak i neki geekovi
bioshock je extra igra. Ali,na polovini i gra me nachisto slomi.
Pricha je neverovatno dobra,koliko je i kraj igre.
cod i bioshock su dve razlicite igre,tako da sy meni obe igre odlicne.
Prvi deo je odlican nadam se da ce i drugi biti ovako dobar a mozda i boji.
Igra je odlicna, jedva cekam 2 deo!
zna li se koja ce masina trebati za pokretanje drugog dijela?
prvi je dobar…
Biosock je exstra!!!!Presao sam je na kompu…
Da li neko zna koja je razlika izmedju Biosocka za PC i ps3????
Kada Biosock 2 treba da izadje!?
Da bioshock je zaista odlicna igra ali ne slazem se sa Blacfire-om COD4 nije shit
Slazem se sa miki-jem da je ovaj trailer podseca na diznijeve crtace.
Nisam igrao bioshock,ali sam gledao neke video zapise i po tome zakljucio da igrica definitivno ne zasluzuje 1. mesto.COD4 nije izabran za igru godine jer je on vise od igre!
BIOSHOCK je najbolja igra koju sam igrao u zivotu,nema bolje. GtaIV je smesan za ovo. zanima me kada izlazi drugi deo,ako iko zna neka mi odg. molim vas!
Strahinja pa covece imas ih kolko oces evo nekih(samo ti treba dobar komp.):Far Cry 2,Call of duty 5,Crysis Warhead.Boljih nema!
A inace bioshock bi trebalo da izadje u 3.kvartalu 2009.
Hvala Boki,sve su to dobre igre,ali su isto tako i predjene. Ako znas jos nesto na foru Bioshocka,Quake-a,unreal-a itd. ti pisi!
Dead space,Stalker:Clear sky,Battlefield:Heroes,Fallout 3.
Ako si i to presao onda sacekaj Wolfeinstein koji bi trebalo da izadje u januaru.
da li neko zna kada ce se kod nas pojaviti Assassin’s Creed 2 i terminator????
Obe ove godine.
Fallout 3 je smesan za razliku od Gta Iv,ali i za razliku od Bioshock-a,koji je opet bez veze.
BioShock is a first-person shooter with role-playing game customization and stealth elements, and is similar to System Shock 2.
A Big Daddy defends a Little Sister from two Splicers, while the player watches.
The player takes the role of Jack who aims to fight his way through Rapture, using weapons and plasmids that give him special powers such as telekinesis or the ability to electrocute, incinerate or freeze foes. Some plasmids even unleash an insect swarm on your foes or enrage them. Security cameras and foes can be evaded by stealth; alternatively, security cameras and turrets can be destroyed using weapons or hacked to use them to the player’s advantage.[21] Hacking, which is based on the Pipe Dream game concept, can also be used on health dispensers and vending machines to gain extra benefits, and on locks and safes to gain access to the secured contents.[22]
The main resources in the game are ADAM, EVE, and money. ADAM is a mutagen, which allows genetic changes. Quantities of ADAM can be used to purchase plasmids and other genetic mutations at special “Gatherers Gardens” vending machines throughout the game. ADAM can be obtained in several ways, most prominently the harvesting of “Little Sisters” after defeating their bodyguards, the “Big Daddies,” who are large, heavily armored, genetically enhanced humans wearing armored diving suits. EVE acts as fuel for “active plasmids” in a manner similar to magic points in other games, while money allows the purchase of items and ammunition, as well as paying to override security elements, such as bots or turrets.[23]
It is here that morality is implemented as an aspect of the gameplay; the player can choose to either rescue the Little Sisters, or harvest their ADAM (resulting in their death). While both choices have their advantages, this element of conflicting morals has an impact on the storyline, and, among other things, on the difficulty of the game itself.[24]
To adapt and advance the character, the player can purchase plasmids, using ADAM. These are grouped under the Combat, Engineering, Active, and Physical technology trees. The “Active” plasmids are abilities that function as alternate weapons; they are powered by EVE, and require activation by the player. The other classes of plasmids, referred to as “Tonics,” are passive abilities that work as long as they are selected as equipment (“equipped”).[25]
Plasmids are versatile, and can be used by the player both in concert with each other and with the environment to create numerous effects. For example, “telekinesis” can be used on all loose objects: the player can catch and redirect grenades, rockets, thrown items, or hold large objects to form impromptu shields, or use those same objects as projectiles. Other types of plasmids have different practical uses; for instance, using an “electro-bolt” on a body of water electrifies not only the water, but also any beings and machines within it. The player is also encouraged to use critical thinking in the use of plasmids; for instance, a player may use “incinerate” to set an enemy on fire, and when the enemy jumps into a body of water to smother the flames, use “electro-bolt” to kill the enemy instantly. An element of choice is present: since not all plasmids can be equipped at once, the player must decide which plasmids to use, and which to place in storage.[26]
The hacking minigame in BioShock, which requires the player to construct a complete pipe system between two points while avoiding obstacles.
Most plasmids alter the character’s appearance, in keeping with the theme of “sacrificing one’s humanity,” referenced by Ryan in one of the game’s trailers.[27] For instance, the incinerate plasmid causes the character’s hand to glow red, take on a charred appearance, and radiate flames from the fingers. However, selecting a weapon will cause these changes to revert to normal, suggesting that any physical changes conferred are temporary. Higher levels of the same plasmid will cause more extreme changes; for example, the highest level of incinerate causes a heavier glow, more severe charring, and more prominent flames. In all, there are over 70 unique plasmids and tonics varieties.
Via single-use weapon-upgrade kiosks called “Power to the People” machines, the player can customize weapons to hold larger magazines, consume ammunition at a slower rate, or cause more damage. Each weapon has a selection of three different types of ammunition: normal, anti-personnel, and armor-piercing bullets are available for the weapons found early in the game; later weapons such as the crossbow have more diverse types of ammunition.[28] There is also a “research camera” in the game that analyzes enemies. After taking enough pictures of any given enemy, the player is granted increased damage, plasmids, and other bonuses when facing that type of enemy in future battles. The quality of the photograph determines the rate at which these advantages are rewarded.[29]
The player can also access several types of vending machines: the “U-Invent,” which combines retrievable spare parts into ammunition, tools, etc.; “The Circus of Values” vending machine sells everything from cakes to first aid kits to EVE hypos; the “El Ammo Bandito!,” a machine that vends both normal and specialty ammunition; and other more specialized machines, such as health stations. Most vending machine varieties can be hacked, allowing the player to buy “hack-only” items, and reducing the cost of the previously available merchandise.[30] Glass-walled “Vita-Chambers” can also be found throughout the game, which the player does not use directly. Instead, should Jack die, his body is reconstituted at the nearest one, retaining all of his possessions, but only a portion of his full health.[31]
Moze li neko da mi objasni sta se radi u bioshocku ja je nisam igrao ali sam gledao neke video zapise.Samo znam da si ti nekako dospeo u podvodni grad u kome ubijas big dadyje i oni se naelektrisu i tako redom i setas se kroz neke cudne lokacije koje su putpuno nerealne!Razume li neko uopste poentu bioshocka na cemu se ta igra zasniva.Sta je u opste presudno da ovo igra bude igra godine u konkurenciji call of duty 4,F.E.A.R-a,Crysis-a. ovo nikada necu razumeti?
Nije nesto igra,prica je odlicna kao i grafika,ali nije preterano zabavna kao Call of Duty 4!
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da call of duty 4 je igra godine 2007!
F.E.A.R-U nemoj da se ljutis al karijera je karijera!