Official website for upcoming flight combat game confirms mid-summer release; North American date still TBA.
On Tuesday, Nintendo dated the 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for a June 19 debut in North America. Today, the Japanese game company dated another anticipated Nintendo 64 remake, but only for Japan.
The Japanese official website for Star Fox 64 3D opened recently, displaying a July 14 release date for the flight combat game. Unfortunately, no additional information is available on the site, though nostalgic Star Fox music runs in the background. Currently, the game is slated for a vague “summer 2011” release for North America.
Gamers eager to get their hands on Star Fox 64 3D might not have to wait long after the July 14 release date for Japan, if the scheduling of other games is any indicator. Ocarina of Time 3D will be released in the land of the rising sun on June 16, just three days before it debuts in North America.
For more on the upcoming title, check out GameSpot’s most recent hands-on preview of Star Fox 64 3D.
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