Zakrpa popravlja performanse u DX 11 modu, ali samo za korisnike 64-bitne verzije Windowsa.
Ukoliko imate 32-bitni Windows Vista ili Windows 7 i dalje se savetuje da izbegavate DX 11 u igri, bar dok se ne pojavi još jedan dodatni peč, savetuje Steam svoje korisnike.
Evo i šta je novo u ovom pobošljanju:
- Performance / hitching issues have been greatly improved for running in DX 11.
- An issue with players running out of Video Memory or encountering a Rendering Thread Exceptions has been address. This was primarily affecting 32-bit Operating Systems.
- A progression block after defeating Ra’s Al Ghul has been fixed. This was issue occurred primarily on lower end computer setups and described as Batman not readying his Reverse Batarang.
- A crash that occurred when scrolling between the Character Bios and Arkham City Stories has been fixed.
- A crash that occurred when selecting “Press Start” immediately when available at the Title Screen has been fixed. The issue was described as crashing/hard locking around the DLC (Downloadable Content) check.
Igru sam preso jos pre 10 dana,mogli su jos malo da sacekaju kako bi izbacili pec. -.-
Ja jos nisam igrao pa me zanima jel ima promena u odnosu na Arkham Asylym po pitanju grafike.